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Contact Us

Ashfield Tools


Ned James
Ashfield, MA






Thank you for your interest in our Garden Tools!
We are in a transitional period.  Ned did not forge garden tools during 2023.  We don't know when or if he will be making them in the future.  We are leaving the contact form below but many inquiries have gone unanswered.  We apologize.
Use the Contact Form Below for Inquiries
Please include the Items you are interested in and the shipping Zip Code.  We will give you a Total Price that includes Shipping and MA Tax, if applicable, and an approximate Shipping Date.   If you want to proceed just let us know.  
The Long Handle Tools are expensive to ship.  USPS now adds a $15 surcharge to any package longer than 30-inches.  We also add $3 to partially cover the cost of the box (long handle tools only.)

We prefer payment just prior to shipping.  You will receive an email when the tools are near completion.  At that point we will need the Shipping Name and Address and the Billing Name and Address.  An Invoice with a Payment Link will be emailed to you.
You are welcome to cancel your order at any point before shipment.

Family Forge YouTube Channel
We are excited to introduce a project that our daughter Clara and Ned are working on.  Clara will be learning blacksmithing and other metalworking techniques from Ned.  The first video posted on Family Forge is an introduction to Clara and Ned and their collaboration.  If you have been interested in finding out more about the person behind these garden tools, take a look!  We'd really appreciate it if you subscribed to the channel too!
Contact Form

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